Vibrating panties bring you intense pleasure in public places!


Vibrating panties are amazing – you can use them anywhere and they allow you to have crazy intense orgasms in public, without anyone around you realizing it. 


Should YOU get vibrating panties?



As many of you already know, the danger of being caught is very thrilling and adds to the enjoyment of sexual pleasure. Vibrating panties take advantage of this thrill, by giving you the chance to experience the most intense orgasms of your life in public. Use in public, however, is not the only benefit which vibrator panties provide.


Vibrating panties are for you if:


1. You enjoy the danger and the thrill of being caught in the act

2. You want to experience intense hands-free orgasms

3. You are not afraid of trying new things, kinky things!

4. You want to take sex with your partner to a whole new level (these panties will excite your man just as much as you)

5. You are bored by regular masturbation and are looking for something much more powerful and intense

6. You want to make your everyday activities (shopping, going to the cinema, etc) a LOT more exciting and naughty


Do any of these points excite you? If yes, then you definitely SHOULD get vibrating panties.


How we picked the best vibrating panties


Comfort is one my most important points of consideration. A vibrating panty HAS to be comfortable to wear, as it cannot slip out during use. This is especially important when you are in public and cannot keep touching your panties to set it back in position.


Ease of use is another important point I considered. Many sex toys have overly complicated remote controls, which make you feel like you are guiding nuclear missiles instead of a vibrator. All of my top picks have very simple but effective controls.


The price is naturally important for all of us, so if a vibrating panty cost unexplainably much, without adding any extra features, then it was an instant “NO” from me.


The vibrations must have a wide range of intensity and patterns. The lowest settings should feel like a slight buzz and the highest intensity settings should be very powerful.


The material of the vibrator should be soft and durable.


The motor of the vibrator HAS to be quiet on a vibrating panty, as it is designed to be stealthy and discreet. A rechargeable motor is a plus, but I did not value this as highly as many of the other features on this list.


How to choose the best panty vibrators


Time and time again people make the same mistakes when purchasing vibrating panties. I see this both amongst my close friends and strangers on the internet. To get the best vibrating panties experience possible, you should:


Consider your body size – if you are a thicker build with a very curvy body, a separate butterfly vibrator will be the best suit for you. Although you can change the panty size through straps and laces, you will be the most comfortable if you combine one of your own panties with a high-quality butterfly vibrator.


Charging – do you want a USB-rechargeable vibrating panty or one with batteries? you might be annoyed by constantly having to buy 2x AAA batteries. I found this to be an especially annoying on the  vibrating panties, which require rare and expensive batteries, which drain incredibly quickly. Definitely take this point into consideration before ordering a vibrator panty.


Wired or wireless – depending on how you plan to use your vibrating panty, you might be better off with a wireless model. For use in public places, for example, a wireless remote will be much more comfortable and not so easily noticeable. However, during sex and during home use in general, I found that there is little difference between the two.


My adventures with vibrating panties


Now, I will share you a story of my most memorable experience with using my vibrating panties in public! 


I told my boyfriend that on Friday, we are going to the club. He agreed but didn’t think anything of it. He knew I love to experiment with unique sex toys but for all he knew it was a normal night out at the club with drinking and dancing.


However, when Friday evening arrived and we were about to set off to one of our favorite clubs  I, of course, wore some special panties. I made sure that they were on me tightly, but I did not insert the vibrator part yet and just put in inside my bag.


When we arrived at the club, I told my boyfriend to buy something to drink and left for the bathroom. Little did he know, I was preparing a surprise for him in the bathroom! I inserted my vibrator inside the panties, tucked it into place against my clitoris and walked back to the bar.


After getting drinks, we walked to the dance floor and that is when I handed him the remote. As we have experimented with vibrating panties before, he instantly knew what was up and a big grin rose on his face.


As we started dancing, he started controlling the vibrations in sync with the music. When some slower tunes came on, he would keep the intensity low, and when we were grinding away on a fast track he would crank up the patterns. I was totally in my element! Even the slightest touch on my waist felt like absolute euphoria. I have never danced so euphorically, and the people around me probably thought I was high on something else other than panties. I did not care in the slightest though, as I kept going from climax to climax between different songs. It was amazing.


After we arrived home we removed the panties and I have never seen my boyfriend so excited as he was on that evening. Needless to say, my climaxing on that evening did not end with removing the panties.


From this experience, I learned that vibrating panties are the most effective in fast-paced environments, not just during grocery shopping or watching BBC.